Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Truth about Six Pack Abs - My Review

When I asked for a product that will help improve the physical appearance of my body I encountered a variety of products. I tried lots of products but nothing helped me the way I wanted. Later I found out the book: the truth about six pack abs. I found out that this is one of the best selling books about fitness. Everyone who has purchased and applied it, were satisfied. I ran into so many positive comments that I've wondered what's the catch?

I decided to buy it and convince myself why it's so good. Something I liked most is the honesty of this book. The book is written by Michael Geary who is a professional fitness expert. In this book you will find advices, specific instructions and plans to follow. The book is very interesting with lots of pictures and it will become your most important tool for achieving the desired form.

Some Facts by Mike Geary:

The Truth about Six Pack Abs is the # 1 ranked abdominals ebook in the world (as ranked by with over 276,000 readers in 163 countries to date.

I'm also a recognized Platinum Expert Fitness Author by, and have had dozens of fitness articles published on over 1.300 fitness websites around the world. I've also been selected as a contributing author to the popular Muscle & Fitness Magazine & Oxygen Magazine. You may have also heard me as a guest speaker on various radio shows throughout the country.

Final words:

I highly recommend this book for the abdominals and Fat Loss. You'll be truly satisfied with this book as me, and yet thousands of other people.

Here is the Summary of Dietary Strategies which I have copied from this book:

•Eat 5-6 small meals per day of relatively equal proportions; you should try to eat a meal about every three waking hours

•Plan all of your meals for each entire week; only choose the items you need for your planned meals when you’re at the grocery store (if you don’t have junk around the house, you most likely won’t eat junk)

•Calculate your daily caloric requirements to lose weight; don’t obsess over calories, but try to stay approximately where you need to be to lose weight

•Eat a portion of lean protein at each meal, along with a portion of fibrous healthy carbohydrates, and a portion of healthy fats

•Focus on unrefined, unprocessed foods in their natural state

•Focus on lower glycemic index carbohydrate sources for the majority of your meals, but don’t worry about avoiding healthy higher glycemic index choices like bananas, raisins, and carrots; these foods have beneficial nutrients and the glycemic response can be controlled if the portions are kept low and combined properly with other foods

•Eat higher glycemic index carbohydrate sources (sugars and lower fiber complex carbs) along with protein immediately after your intense workouts to replenish muscle glycogen and start the muscle repair process; a 2:1 to 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein immediately following your workouts best facilitates the recovery process

•Avoid fad diets or “crash” diets

•Do not create an energy deficit exceeding 1000 calories per day (i.e. if your maintenance caloric intake is 3000 cal/day, never go below 2000 cal/day); a 500-750 calorie/day energy deficit is best for fat loss while maintaining muscle; as a general rule, it is never recommended that females go below 1200 calories/day and males should never go below 1600 calories/day

•Try to incorporate an overfeeding day once per week to stimulate your metabolism and to help you stay on a focused diet for the other six days per week

•Avoid refined oils, trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup at all cost

•Try to include green, oolong, and white teas into your daily diet to promote a leaner body; try the suggestion of mixing all three of these teas into an iced tea mixture and drinking it throughout the first half of each day

•As long as you’re not lactose intolerant, include at least 3-4 servings of dairy and other sources of dietary calcium into your daily plan to promote fat loss

If You Want To Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs Click here to go to the The Truth about Six Pack Abs home page and learn more.

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